This week was one of pure relaxation. Brandon and I both thoroughly enjoyed it! Brandon's mom booked this beautiful condo with this gorgeous view. My mother-in-law books wonderful vacations and I sure love tagging along! Throughout the week, we stayed up late, slept in and then chilled at the beach the rest of the day. The first day before we could even get checked into the condo we are already out relaxing at the beach. That night we went out to eat at the ocean buffet and then we excitedly waited for Jesse and Kels to arrive that night!
The water was beautiful and clear, except for the second day when there was an incredible amount of June grass. I loved how the days varied, some days we had incredible waves, great for boogie boarding and then there were others where the water was extremely calm. The second night we went to the Crab Shack and got some great crab dip! For a couple days after, we ate dinner in the room consisting of fettuccine alfredo with chicken and pizza. Of course later in the week Brandon had to pullout his sweet rugby mini shorts he got from my cousin Seth. What a site and lets not mention the avocado slip! Every night, we always followed it up with a big bowl of ice cream. My mother in law loves ice cream just as much as me so it makes for an exciting, ice cream filled time.
Also, we loved seeing baby David in all of his growing stages. He is growing like a weed and it is so neat seeing him hit difference stages in development. Kelsey and Jesse are such great parents! The night before we left Fort Walton beach we went to Old Bay Steamer restaurant and it was delicious. Those were the best crab cakes I have ever ate and my mother in law ordered royal red shrimp. They were so large and flavorful and pulling off the head was a great adventure. I loved it. On the way back to the condo we stopped by a miniature golf course. We had a blast. Brandon won, Kelsey beat Jesse and lets not mention I brought up the rear! Check out my father in laws sweet golf pose. You can always count on him for a great laugh.We checked out this morning, Sunday and said our goodbyes at Zaxby's. What a wonderful week. A week full of laughter and sun. We look forward to the next time we are all together.
"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."