Today we headed out from Gatlinburg, TN and drove the Tail of the Dragon down to Bostic, NC. Tail of the Dragon is a section US 129 where there are 318 curves in 11 miles! It is a famous motorcycle road and a Ruth tradition, so we had to take Jolene (our van) through there!

If there is one thing I can say in life, is God has truly blessed Brandon and I with amazing friends! 2 years ago we met this couple on our honeymoon cruise that got married the same exact day as us. We've kept in contact and finally had a chance to go see them in their quaint, beautiful home in Bostic, NC. I swear they are our southern twin couple (besides the lack of fishing on our end haha!)
From Gatlinburg to Bostic it was about a 3 hour drive. On the drive we drove, chatted and I drank my first whole cup of coffee today! We stopped for lunch in Asheville, NC. It was a bustling town, with a ton of character. We walked up and down the streets, went into the chocolate stores and walked a local street market (one of my favorite things to do). Then grabbed some Cold Stone and headed to our friends house.
Back to swearing that they are our twin couple....First thing when I walked in the door, they had rainbows and crocs at the front door. Weird, Brandon and I basically only wear rainbows and crocs too. Victoria has almost an identical wedding ring as mine, which I found out when we first met them. She is studying elementary education just like I was (prior to joining ROTC for the military) and Dylan is super handy, just like Bran. Anyways, I may be crazy but our time with them was a blast. They are the sweetest, most gracious, and giving couple you would ever meet. When they say "when you are here our house is your house," they truly mean it. We felt so spoiled!

They took us down town to El Michoacán Mexican restaurant and then to some ice cream. Having ice cream twice in one day, that is when you know it is a great day! We got to drive around their county and I swear Victoria's family fills and makes up half of the county. Every other house was a relative whether it be her her aunt, sister, or great uncles house and the list goes on! It was quite the experience. When we got home we got to playing some music and I LOVE these kind of nights. Brandon and I grabbed our guitar and ukulele and Dylan and Victoria grabbed their banjos and guitar. What a blast!